Your Guide to Living, Working and Studying in the Netherlands

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Health insurance for expats

Moving to a new country comes with many challenges, including understanding healthcare. As an expat in the Netherlands, you’re required to have health insurance. But does the basic package cover everything you need? Here’s what you need to know to stay protected and avoid surprises.  What Is the basic health insurance for expats? In the … Continue reading "Health insurance for expats"

Remodeling your house in the Netherlands

Have you just bought or rented a house that needs remodeling – but have no idea where to begin? Then we have the perfect partner for you! We can imagine that it's hard to figure out where to start when you want to remodel your home or improve its sustainability. Veerkade Vastgoed is here to … Continue reading "Remodeling your house in the Netherlands"

The Holland Handbook 2025

It is that time of year again; the new and annually-updated version of The Holland Handbook is here and ready to be enjoyed! Not only that, but this is the 25th edition! More than twenty five years ago, a modest group of three people sat around a table to discuss the possibility of creating a … Continue reading "The Holland Handbook 2025" - The Information Platform for Expats in the Netherlands supplies English-language information on the Netherlands for anyone coming to live, work or study in the Low Countries.
The topics range from informative to lifestyle related: everything expats, their partners and international students need to know about Holland.
It is an ideal resource for soon to be expats planning their move and expats already in the Netherlands who need to make life decisions.
Our extensive network of writers, contributing consultants, journalists and editors allows us to offer expats in the Netherlands the high-quality, up-to-date information they need in order to make living, working and studying here as comfortable, effortless, and stress-free as possible.
Check the Business Directory for service providers in your region, essential checklists, useful references and tips, things to do in your free time in the Leisure Section, and much, much more…

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