In order to budget effectively, it is important to be aware of the general living costs in the Netherlands. This section can give you an idea of what might chip away at your bank balance, so that you know how much spare change you have to spend at the snack bar.
There is a reason that the Netherlands is such an efficient country. ‘Dutch local taxes‘ are used to maintain the surroundings, public services, cultural sites and much more. Read on about what you will be expected to contribute towards as a resident.
You may have bought a new house in the Netherlands and, although the building itself might be beautiful, the insides probably did not come lined in your favourite wallpaper. Find out who to call about getting your ‘home renovations in the Netherlands‘ taken care of.
There will doubtless be many possessions you will want to bring over to your new home. If you are coming here from a non-EU country, you may incur costs for importing them. Check out this article to see if you could qualify for ‘exemption from customs duties‘. You could save a lot of money on getting your faithful old car across the seas and into your new garage.