Becoming unwell in an unfamiliar land can be frightening. You can rest assured, however, that healthcare in the Netherlands is of a very high standard. It is still sensible to read up on the Dutch healthcare system as soon as possible. That way, you will know exactly what to do if and when you need some medical attention in the Netherlands.
For general ailments that are not urgent you can visit your local ‘huisarts’: the family doctor, or ‘GP’. Everything you need know about ‘going to the doctors in the Netherlands‘ is covered in this article, from visiting hours to medical bills. If you are advised to obtain some ‘medication in the Netherlands‘, find advice and information about collecting it from a pharmacy or a drugstore here.
When your condition is more uncommon, your doctor may conclude that you would be better off ‘visiting a Dutch medical specialist‘. In this scenario there are some administrative tasks to take care of, regarding your insurance, so be sure to read up on them. For an affliction that is a little more serious, you might have to go to hospital. Find out what to expect with regards to rooms, beds and admissions in this article on ‘Dutch hospitals‘.
If your condition makes it challenging for you to reach a hospital, then learn more about ‘medical organisations in the Netherlands‘, such as the ‘thuiszorg’ (homecare), who can treat you in your own house.
For any ‘other medical issues in the Netherlands‘ you might come up against, consult this article, which covers dentists, mental health, physical therapy and much more.